


❓1. What are some effective ways to stay healthy? Do you follow those ways to remain healthy? 

❓2. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?

❓3. What are the five ways some people damage their health? Why do they not protect their health?

❓4. What diseases frighten you the most? Why? How can you prevent them?

❓5. What was the worst disease you have ever had in your life?

❓6. What do you think about getting old? Are you afraid of that when you think about it? How long do you wish to live?

❓7. What do you think about “mental health matters”? How could you damage your mental health? Are you suffering from any of them?

❓8. How do you consider “cosmetic surgery” in regards to health matters?


🌀Ache: a continuous or prolonged dull pain in a part of one's body:

The ache in her head worsened. 

🌀Diagnose: identify the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms:

Doctors diagnosed a rare and fatal liver disease.

🌀Prescribe: advise and authorize the use of a medicine or treatment for someone, especially in writing:

Dr. Greene prescribed magnesium sulfate. 

🌀Physician: a person qualified to practice medicine:

When Mr. Chiarella was dressed as a physician, he learned people wouldn't ignore him, look past him or ask him for anything.

🌀Surgeon: a medical practitioner qualified to practice surgery:

A new study reminds us that surgeons struggle with risk perception just as much as the rest of us.

🌀General practitioner: a medical doctor who is trained to provide primary health care to patients of either sex and any age: 

He early entered into business as a general practitioner, but his ambition led him very soon to be an instructor.

#Juxtapositions 1/3



Excellent, full, good, perfect, bad, declining, delicate, failing, fragile, frail, ill, poor, general, overall, long-term, mental, physical, sexual, environmental, occupational, public, personal, human


He had to retire due to ill health.

There is no threat to public health from this paint.


—- + Health

enjoy, have, ensure, maintain, protect, enhance, improve, promote, nurse someone back to, restore someone to, recover, regain, restore, damage, harm, ruin, undermine, endanger, risk, threaten, affect, monitor

Health + —-

Improve, deteriorate, fail, worsen


She's never really enjoyed good health.

You need to maintain your physical and mental health.

She was nursed back to full health.

Doctors worked for weeks to restore him to health.

Some athletes are prepared to risk their health to win a medal.

Her health gradually improved.

His health began to fail under the heavy pressures of the job.


Health + —-

Care, system, department, insurance, plan, food, official, professional, worker, provider, warning, issue, needs, problem, hazard, risk, benefit, education, center, clinic, facilities, visitor


How is primary health care best delivered?

Health visitors give families support for infant care and development.

The air quality was so bad that the government issued a health warning.


Bad for your health, good for your health, health and safety, (not) in the best of health, in good health, in poor health


Smoking is bad for your health.

He was in much better health.

He is unable to travel far because of his state of health.

#Juxtapositions 2/3



Appear, be, be born, feel, look, seem, become, keep, remain, stay, make someone, keep someone, consider something 


Working in the open air has made him very healthy.

Her good diet had kept her healthy.


Extremely, fairly, very, completely, perfectly, reasonably, generally, apparently, otherwise, mentally, physically


We have a very healthy diet.

He's a perfectly healthy child.

The rare disorder strikes apparently healthy boys between the ages of five and twelve.

She looked pale, but otherwise healthy.


Fit and healthy


To achieve this vision and become fit and healthy, you need to eat well for proper nutrition, and do both cardiovascular and strength training.

#Juxtapositions 3/3



Be, look, become, fall, get 


He fell sick with yellow fever.

She was afraid she would get sick if she stayed in that place any longer.


Chronically, desperately, extremely, seriously, terribly, very, mentally


The home has 20 chronically sick and disabled residents.


From, with


The workers got sick from radiation exposure.

She was sick with cancer.


be off sick


John's not in the office today. He's off sick.

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