Happy mensiv

Happy mensiv

I love you so bad

For u,

U. Ur eyes, ur laugh, ur presence…just everything about u, i love. In ma eyes, u are so totally perfect. U are ma world, ma life, u mean a lot to me. I will never let u go because i know ma life won’t be complete if u’re not in it, u are ma one and only. I can’t promise to fix all your problems but i promise that u will never deal with them alone, ily!

I like you

Cause your so perfect. You have that personality that makes me want to do something in life. The way you are is what makes you stand out. And well I know you still haven't really found your own way.. but I see you breaking out of that and I see just positivity all around you even though stuff might be going bad. I see hope in you. I can't help but think about how lucky I am cause I'm just like the exact opposite cause I'm never positive or can really take care of myself without finding a reason to. You just make me look forward to tommorow and keep me from doing dumb things. I can't tell you what others think of you but to me you just make me wanna be the right person I should be. No matter what I'm feeling.

Sayang kamu yang terbaik yang aku punya i love you in one world kamu tau? aku sayang kamu lebih dari itu aku mau jadi yg terbaik lagi buat kamu

Happy mensiv ke 9 bulan ya cantik, makasih udah mau bertahan sampai sejauh ini sama aku. Aku harap kamu tetap disini maaf aku sering ngecewain kamu maaf juga belum bisa jadi apa yang kamu mau, tapi aku mau berusaha buat kamu tetap sama aku disini sampai bener bener ada kata "ketemu" dan seterusnya kita sama sama. Aku beruntung dapet kamu yang sabar sama aku, selalu nunggu aku selalu nemenin aku aku sayang kamu inti nya 🙆‍♂️💗


To you, love was about multitudes.

To me, love was inordinate.

I love you, I would say. How much? You would ask.

I couldn't find the words to answer you then.

But they have found their way to me since. And this is what I would tell you.

I would blanket the world in utter darkness; I would pull back the veil of light and reveal to you, a blinding crescendo of stars.

I would drain all the seven seas and ask you to count-one by one-every grain of sand that clings to the ocean floor.

I would tally the beat of every human heart that has echoed since the dawn of our becoming.

And as you look in awe at the sheer magnitude of my admission, I would take your hand in mine and tell you; if only you had let me, this is how much I could have loved you.

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