Halochos Of Trump

Halochos Of Trump

@YidInfo Telegram Channel

Practical Halachot for Friday January 20th Yom Tov Shel Trump Inauguration: * No Hespedim are allowed to be said.

* Even those that only go to Mikvah Erev Yom Kippur must go on Friday. This is a Yom Ratzon.

* Shabbos clothing is worn all day.

* Tachnun is omitted.

* Thursday night’s Tachnun in Krias Shma Shel Mita is omitted (if being said after Chatzos).

* Whole Hallel is said in Davening (even when being said without a Minyan).

* Torah is read in Shul to the portion of Som Tosim Ulecha Melech, 4 people are called up like on Rosh Chodesh. The last Aliya is given to the Gadol Shebichabura (Poskim say this goes to the person that gave the most $ to the Trump campaign).

* In Shmone Esray and Bentching we say Yale Vyovo, and we say the insert of BYom Tov Mikra Kodesh Haze.

* We all make the Bracha of Shechiyunu, (with Shem and Malchus) some Poskim say to also have in mind a new fruit, other say new clothes, some say just having in mind that Obama is out of office is sufficient

* After Torah reading we say Birchas Hagomel, in very large Shul’s with many people, Poskim have ruled you may make the Bracha from your place (as long as you look at the Torah direction). Rav Kanevsky made this ruling from his hospital bed.

* A Seudas Mitzvag must be made, washing your hands for bread is a must, those that want to me Mekel must consult a Rov, (The Halachos of the Seuda can be found in Hilchos Seudas Purim Shechal Berav Shabos.).

* We must drink alcohol until reaching the Level of Ad Dlo Yuda Ben Boruch Donald Lurur Obama.

** Women must drink until the level of Lo Yoda Bein Brucha Ivanka Lurur Hillary.

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