

OCULUS account

You need to sign in to your OCULUS account. To do this, follow the link and perform all the following steps

Next, go to and create an "organization". You will be asked to accept the terms of the agreement.

(If, instead of creating an organization, you are offered to confirm the entry using a phone number or card, do this and follow the link again)

Installing the Oculus App

Download to your bluetooth-enabled smartphone and install the Oculus app. Launch and log in with the Facebook account you signed into Oculus with

Add your device to the Oculus app. To do this, go to („Settings“) -> (Set-up New Device) and follow the instructions

Next, on the tab (“Settings”), select your device and click on (“More settings”). In the list you should see ("Developer Mode")

On the next screen, move the switch to the (“On”) position

Reboot the device by pressing the side power key and selecting the appropriate item

Sidequest installation

Follow the link and download the program for your operating system

Install it following the instructions

Open SideQuest

If you can't find it, use the Windows search

Connect your helmet to your PC with a cable. Wear a helmet, you will be asked something like this

Check the box "Always allow from this computer" and click OK

If everything worked out, then you will get something like this icon in the upper right corner will turn green

Installing our application

follow the link and click download all

Create a folder "Project" on the desktopand unpack the downloaded archive into it

In Sidequest Click on the button to install apk

And select the file "Traning" In the folder "project" on the desktop into which we unpacked the archive . We are waiting for installation

Put on a helmet and launch the application (Unknown sources tab)

Exiting the application

Open SIdequest , select the helmet file management tab

We go along the path /sdcard/Android/data/com.GazpromMedia.Training/files

Drag and drop all files from the "Project" folder on the desktop to the Sidequest window at the address we opened /sdcard/Android/data/com.GazpromMedia.Training/files

After the transfer of all files is completed, we can start the application again as we launched it before. It's ready to go

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