Green March - issue #6

Green March - issue #6

Green Charter RCM

Open letter to Libyan RCM Coordinator

10 years destruction of Libyan Jamahiriya

In accordance with the characteristics and specifications of revolutionary committees including self-analysis and criticism:

and in line with carrying out the tasks of revolutionary committees, in particular revolutionary exposure, revolutionary education, revolutionary control and rationalization:

We wish to learn the lessons from the past mistakes, especially those made by the RCM, and to reach a dialogue among revolutionary committees to benefit from the lessons to ensure that the people's revolution in future succeeds with this experience;

We also share revolutionary observations in line with the requirements of revolutionary committees, so that these can be clarified upon further examination;

We wish to open up communications, ideally among the revolutionary committees movements at a higher level of consciousness to address the various issues raised;

We wish to draw attention of Libyan RCM to the various points raised in this letter.

In doing so we believe that this is an evidence of the failures in communications, appropriate channels of communication, that we are even having to ask so many questions and raise so many issues in this manner, over 10 years late.

Separation of Theory from Practice

The revolutionary committees worldwide who followed the teachings of the Third Universal Theory and in particular our Teacher Dr Ahmad Ibrahim who had the greatest insight into the role, function, method and concepts of revolutionary organization, the revolutionary committees movement, and guided by the Brother Teacher-Thinker Mu'ammar al-Qathafi...

Those which were not motivated by money, benefits or other forms of corruption and took seriously the mission, all the missions, assigned to the revolutionary committees without fear nor favor...

Who were often saddened by the lack of communications, support, cooperation and example by Libyan RCM toward them which in turn created losses and failures of successes on all sides, with the popular masses both in Libya and worldwide paying the price of that neglect...

Had long decided to separate the example of the Al-Fateh revolution since late 1990's from the Third Universal Theory and The Green Book so as to make the essential propagation of the Jamahiri thought, the sharing of this knowledge, more encouraging to non-Libyan audiences;

In doing so had neglected our duties to share those contradictions and concerns adequately with the Libyan RCM where we should have pushed ourselves through the barrier surrounding the Brother Leader which included reactionaries within the Libyan RCM which ultimately paved the way for the warning of The Green Book:

But even though the vision of this era denotes genuine freedom of the masses and their happy emancipation from the bonds of external authoritarian structures, it warns also of the dangers of a period of chaos and demagoguery, and the threat of a return to the authority of the individual, the sect and party, instead of the authority of the people... (should the Authority of the People relapse).

It is this lapse of the People's Authority, due to the failures of the revolutionary committees to carry out their tasks due to the corruption within their ranks, and the lack of required characteristics of its members which vacated the moral space to other sectors that had designs on using these issues to create confusion and assert power.

The cost of this has not only been the inevitable loss of power of the Libyan masses and the suffering, costs, destruction and death that has resulted, but also for the entire world which now faces dictatorship everywhere and lacks the knowledge of the Third Universal Theory to solve the problems facing humanity.

The Libyan RCM, we do not know, if it has learned essential lessons, but it would appear to us, without communications until now, that the essential lessons have not been learned, and we base this upon the following observations:

  1. The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in a state of invasion, war, international state terrorism, could have continued de jure as the legitimate people's authority of Libya and at the time several still friendly countries could have hosted this continuation as the people's authority (government) in exile.
  2. The large amounts of funds outside the Libyan Jamahiriya would have remained legally under the administration of the exiled General People's Committee, that this was not paid attention to indicates fear, confusion and corruption among revolutionary committees and people's committees, witnessed even in 1986 attack.
  3. The General People's Congress should and would have remained the legitimate government of Libya, the legitimate people's authority, which could not be changed until and unless the people's conferences across the entire Libyan territory and Libyans now exiled abroad, could reconvene to update any resolutions.
  4. The Libyan RCM did not even manage to maintain control of web sites, communications or publications, nor to regroup facing the world and thus to benefit from the support and cooperation of other RCM which had under their control powerful and professional means of propaganda and secure systems.
  5. The Libyan RCM, no less than under the coordinator of the Libyan RCM has violated the basic principles of the Third Universal Theory itself, by participating in and thus legitimizing an electoral misrepresentation process which is thus guaranteed to be inevitably doomed to failure next week on December 24, 2021.
  6. The suicide and disappearance of the Libyan RCM in attempting to change clothes into a political party after regrouping as a strategy in the Libyan National People's Movement, is not explained to the worldwide revolutionary committees since even it is incapable of maintaining any professional web presence or propaganda.
  7. The fact that the only way to contact the Libyan RCM seems to be via their Facebook which is itself the enemy platform one of many which was used by the international terrorist states to gather personal data on Libyan RCM members and People's Committees, and then threaten them and their families with that data.
  8. The fact that the Libyan RCM both prior to and after its vehicle change as LNPM failed to make use of the excellent, powerful, secure platforms that existed in 2012 but which then collapsed due to lack of basic support from the Libyan RCM.
  9. The theft of millions of dollars awarded to those platforms from Seif Al Islam by corrupt Libyans as part of a conspiracy thus defrauding the decades of hard work and leading to the collapse of the above powerful communication and information media networks and failure to even use new ones such as Telegram.
  10. The resulting incalculable suffering of many who attempted to carry on with their revolutionary committee duties wherever they were in refuge and the resulting loss of life and suffering that has continued more than ten years later as a result.
  11. The lack of information about our Teacher Ahmad Ibrahim and his fate, the thus ineffective efforts exerted to free him and countless others, the loss of manuals that we had carefully preserved, the failure to reconstitute the World Center.
  12. The failure to rebuild international networks due to many of the above failures and the resulting loss of opportunity to enable the revenge of the popular masses of the world by taking power everywhere into their hands given the latest phase of the new world order dictatorship by failing to hold fast to our roles and tasks.

It is with this that on the eve of the inevitable collapse of the regression experiment in outdated dictatorial systems about to take place in Libya, in the absence of any Libyan Jamahiriya, the absence of Libyan RCM, we call upon those sincere revolutionary committee members to address these issues with their colleagues.

Further, we call upon Libyan RCM coordinators or members to respond to our call, so as to share experiences and knowledge of the reasons that the Jamahiriya collapsed even in the face of the might of 40 terrorist states and non-stop bombing and destruction, but in terms of failures and lessons learned for the benefit of all humanity.

We also remind students and believers in the Third Universal Theory not to find fault with the theory itself but rather on the failure of it to be continually applied which in fact caused the loss of power within the Libyan Jamahiriya as well as is the cause of the failure to achieve power everywhere in the world until now.

A correct understanding of, and application of the theory in practice, will inevitably result in the self-governing communities and it is with this aim that the RCM members continue to publish articles, analysis, clarifications, seminars, and other publications on the Third Universal Theory and the solutions that it offers to the human challenges.


International Scientific Committee of the World Center for Studies and Research on The Green Book: and telegram

International Green Charter RCM:

General Response Appeal

We call upon any reading supporters of dialogue, repair, reconciliation, building, life, freedom, right, justice, humanity, progress and revolution who nevertheless have some access to the enemy platforms of YouTube and Facebook which have both played substantial roles in the destruction of our communications, to do to as follows:

Copy this address which is a link to this open letter:

Do any of the following according to your capability and the more of you can do this the better to ensure it is seen and taken note:

On Facebook go to                              الحركة الوطنية الشعبية الليبية - Home | Facebook              and paste the above link in a post and/or message there;

On YouTube go to                              الحركة الوطنية الشعبية الليبية Lnpm - YouTube              and paste the above link into comments under the video posts;

Official websites of LPNM and/or Libyan RCM do not appear to exist on a professional, or continual basis, and it is not advisable to attempt communications via such as it is unclear who operates them, and third parties that themselves played a destructive role in division are often behind any actual readable historic materials.

An exception, which is professional, current and effective, albeit only in Arabic, is the Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting Channel:

Go to: and scroll down to the social media icons. If you are on Telegram, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter please click on the relevant icon and send this link: the more that do so the better.

Respond to our call for dialogue and cooperation among RCM

Libyan RCM coordinators may respond via the International Scientific Committee publication submission link on Telegram which is mentioned at the end of this page: International Scientific Committee: Call for Papers.

Report Page