


Chapter 1

"America is finally great again. All hail to our lord and savior grand Trump to whom we dedicate this life to, so that his sacrifices for us may not be in vain. He who- " I stopped listening to the speaker. It is always the same anyways. As a child I had always enjoyed listening to the daily eulogies on Trump. Now that I have grown up and realized that the only one's profiting from the system established by Trump are white men, I have grown to hate the sound of the speaker. Just like I did every day I looked outside of the only window in my tiny apartment. It was dirty and obscure. The sun had given up to shine light on what was behind those windows years ago. But the window was just clear enough to see the outline of the huge wall surrounding the inner circle. The inner circle. A place reserved only for the worthiest and most valuable members of our society; white men. As a white woman you were lucky if you found a husband to serve. It was the only way to escape the outer areas. Us black people would always live in the outer areas. But if you were fortunate enough like me, you had gotten a job in the inner circle assigned to you. So at least by day I could escape the poverty, the sickness and the indescribable stank that never seemed to leave my nose by cooking for the highest members of our society. That is also how I met Michael. Before him, I had never thought I could ever fall in love with a white man. But Michael seemed different. Kind. Funny. And most importantly he did not look at me as if I was worth less than him. Just as I was thinking about him, there was a knock on the door. Dreading the conversation that was ahead of me, I opened the door. Michael came in and sat down on one of my worn-out chairs.  He looked a little bit irritated but nonetheless not at all expecting of what I was about to tell him. I thought I should just rip off the band-aid. “I’m pregnant.”, I pressed out underneath my breath that I had hold until now. A mixture of emotions showed on his face. Shock, fear, something like joy. I had debated on whether to tell him for a long time. I had come to the conclusion that he had a right to know and I secretly hoped that he might be able to help me get an abortion. “What are you going to do?”, he asked me. “Abortion.”, I answered. We both knew having a mixed baby would not just send me into exile, but the child would also face a life of discrimination and torture. They were all seen as dirty bastards and for that they only got the toughest and most exhausting jobs, like working in the coal mines. At the same time, having an abortion was illegal and if I got caught I could be charged for murder and face a death sentence. But I would have to take the risk. Lost in the thoughts about my unborn child’s and my own future, I did not pay attention to Michael. I looked up. Before I even had a chance to stop him, he had already left through the door. In my desperation I screamed:”Don’t do it! Please!”. I fell onto the floor crying. Telling him was a huge mistake.

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