Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer

Efremova Yulia Valerievna


Address: Donetsk, Voroshilovsky district.

Phone: 095-71-55-288

Date of birth: 27.07.1996 (21 y.o)

Relationship status: Single


Skype: the_yardbird

Telegram: @ alo1x

Professional skills:

Graphic design for web pages and pages for sales;

Product design;

Branding, logos, visual identification, etc;

Graphic design in social networks;

Skills of drawing by hand and on the computer;

Infographics, iconography;

Creating illustrations in a certain style.

Developed skills in professional programs:

Adobe Illustrator

-Adobe Photoshop,


-Cinema 4D,

-Adobe Flash.

Web-developing skills: I know the layout languages ​​Html5 /css3 (block, adaptive layout).


From 2015 to the present. time

Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, graphic design and advertising (3-year student, correspondence course of study).


Kiev College of Construction Architects and Design, architectural design and interior design.

Additional education:

Courses 3ds MAX (diploma);

Web design courses (diploma);

Art school (diploma).

School of Youth "Leader" - English.


February 2017-April 2017

LLC "Artistic building" Architect, furniture designer.


Development of construction drawings, measurements, interior design; Development of furniture drawings, detailed drawings, furniture design in 3d editors.


Vitamin Ltd Designer


Interior design, development of advertising material.


LLC "Vad-games" (creation of games for Android OS and MAC OS).

Kiev, st. Grigory Vashchenko 5


Development of Internet applications, preparation of presentations, creation of concept art (locations, characters, buildings, equipment, etc.). High quality for the company's projects and bringing the work to the final stage;

Maintaining the style of the project

Drawing of icons and banners. Presentation of the project.

Additional Information:

English - fluent;

Ability to draw by hand (sketch, ability to apply knowledge of the discipline "Academic drawing" in practice, etc.);

Deep knowledge of the history of art and architecture.

About myself:

I'm scrupulous and creative, keep up to date. I have oh-oh-very rich imagination.

I adequately perceive to constructive criticism, I work productively in a team. Also I’m professional gamer.)

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