Solo Traveler

1 st simply visit this

then create a project

then click credentials and then create credentials..

select OAuth client ID


click create

you will see your client id and client secret from here

then add these variables to heroku configs

G_DRIVE_CLIENT_ID (your client id)

G_DRIVE_CLIENT_SECRET (your client secret)

then you have to set a private group id,

1st create a private group and get its id by sending .get_id

then add these lines to herokku config wars

PRIVATE_GROUP_BOT_API_ID = -(put your group id)

now restart your bot

then send .ugdrive as a reply to any file..

you will get a authentication link on your private group(which you previously created)

click on the url and grand permission to the app..then you will get a code..

simple paste that code,in that privgroup(as reply of the authentication url)

thats all..

Now try again ,ugdrive to a file.. you will get google drive link..Enjoy

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