


That life you’re going back to will always be there. You can always move home. But I know that you grow the most outside of your comfort zone. I hope the life that you’re going back to in Chicago is worth giving up the life you could have had here. And I hope that if you decide that, you know that’s the right decision with all your heart. There will always be something standing between you and your own happiness, but only if you let it. Take control of what you can and change the metric on which you measure your success. It might help you realize that what you’ve been looking for has been with you all along. It’s important to be content with your life despite all of your current problems, but also be aware of what needs improvement and change what you can along the way. You create your own reality. Imagine the life that you want and go for it with all your heart. I wish you the best, and I hope you find the peace that you want so badly. It’s not as far away as you might think.

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