


damage control class

control freak vs damage freak is sex

why waiting a sec let's make a child in a queue for psychotherapist, smile-managerr, lawyer

the room is perfectly cold for touching each other's pieces of knowledge aboutt death

whAT death does look like

how does the death dies: the way i am born, or the way the world make itself bored and boring woth every next spinn around the undertaker's perfect blue wrists

are you perfect enough to damage someone comfortably enough and make them love you

damage is not a challenge anymore

death is not a challenge anymore

i like being bored and to smile not violently from time to time, at last

i like being calm and not afraid of forgetting to take a breath every six minutes

the earthquake in reverse is my art project, i've never seen it, so it's my art project

it definitely deserves an exhibition

imagine, young skeletons, all in neon-pink colors, dance with robots and make them laugh so loud, so sincere

that, the skeletons start to overgrow with muscles and fat and skin and nerves and problems and a history of damages and an ability to damage and it starts all over again when the new notification sound happens in a room full of smartphones with tinder installed

swipe left or right to cause the damage

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