mi lan

എപ്പോളും ഗോഡിനെ സ്നേഹിക്കുക ,നിന്റെ പ്രയാസങ്ങളും പ്രശനങ്ങളും ദൈവത്തിൽ ഏൽപ്പിക്കുക നിൻറെ കാര്യങ്ങൾ അവൻ നോക്കിക്കോളും .

മനസ് അറിജു പാപം ചെയ്യാതിരിക്കാൻ എപ്പോളും ശ്രധിക്കുക

you may not have power to give up some of those habits

you have to repent your sins.that means to be willing to change your way of living

if you surrender to christ he will give you the power

jesus says i am the way.come to christ.He will give you new strength and a new power,and a new joy and peace .every person lived has to make the same choice its either the world and its pleasure and its gods and its christ which is it for you? who are you choosing?who are you voting for? to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season there pleasure in sin for a short time .but it soon over.the hangover comes.and there is nothing you can do about it.its going to be there


and there will never be hangover,except joy and peace

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