Glory Hole

Glory Hole


Glory Hole
Nautical . the quarters on a ship that are occupied by the stewards or stokers. lazaretto (def. 3) . any locker or enclosed space for loose gear.
Glassmaking . an auxiliary furnace for reheating glass that has cooled during offhand blowing.
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On the farm, the feed for chicks is significantly different from the roosters’; ______ not even comparable. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021
Where did the term glory hole come from?
Davy and The Goblin | Charles E. Carryl
informal a room, cupboard, or other storage space that contains an untidy and miscellaneous collection of objects
nautical another term for lazaretto (def. 1)
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
A glory hole is sexual slang for a slot in a wall in which a man inserts his penis for sexual stimulation by someone on the other side.
Content warning: the following content includes references to sexual activity.
In the 1820s, a glory hole was a slang term for a “junk drawer” (no, not that kind of junk). Other 19th-century uses include small compartments on ships and other small rooms along with some still-current specialized uses in glass-blowing, engineering, and mining. The glory , here, apparently goes back to a Scots word meaning “muddy.”
In the 1930s, we see glory hole again as a slang term for a “junk drawer”—and yes, that kind of junk, as in the penis, with glory hole as a vulgar nickname for “vagina.” Glory , here, apparently alludes to sexual pleasure and hole , well, you can figure that one out. This glory hole led to a different sexual sense defined in the 1949 underground Gay Girls Guide as: “Phallic size hole in partition between toilet booths. Sometimes used also for a mere peep-hole.” The term may draw on an earlier use of glory hole as slang for a “gay bar” in the 1920s.
In the mid-1900s, glory holes were so cut into bathroom stalls in order to facilitate homosexual liaisons . With the rise of the adult-film industry in the 1970s, glory holes were also found in specially-fitted booths in adult-video shops. The internet has since proliferated glory hole as a pornography genre, especially for heterosexual sex acts.
As noted, there is fairly sizeable subgenre of pornography dedicated to glory holes and their vaginal variations. The term is often the subject of many jokes.
Given its sexual content, it’s best to avoid glory hole in polite company.
This content is not meant to be a formal definition of this term. Rather, it is an informal summary that seeks to provide supplemental information and context important to know or keep in mind about the term’s history, meaning, and usage.
His monotonous music is, really, like the audio soundtrack to a k-hole.
I rolled him over to see where it came out, and there was no big hole in the back.
Well over a thousand holes in, I average less than four strokes per hole.
Instead of going for the hole, I hit the ball directly into the water.
There is only sand, a white ball, and a flag indicating the hole.
Before he could finish the sentence the Hole-keeper said snappishly, "Well, drop out again—quick!"
Kind of a reception-room in there—guess I know a reception-room from a hole in the wall.
Squinty, several times, looked at the hole under the pen, by which he had once gotten out.
Nogués and his brave lads have done their bit indeed for the glory of the Army of France.
Madame and myself had just been regretting that we should have to pass the evening in this miserable hole of a town.
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