

'Layo Oladejo

2 Corinthians 9:8 NLT

And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.


I had my parent confront me at some point in my life when I was growing up which was in a way a lesson they wanted me to learn. They said to me, you always look up to us to give you something, we never hesitated to provide for the things you needed but have you ever thought of giving or sharing with us something out of the little you have?

And then, I said to myself I would never have enough if I give you from what I have, I had this assumption that I will be left with less or even nothing. 

Most times we think this way towards God, we are always on the Oliver twist side, ninety five percent (95%) of our prayers are centered on God meeting our needs, but have we ever thought of giving back to God for the furtherance of the kingdom and sharing also with the household of faith from the little He gave us?

Of course sometimes is hard, we simply do some calculations and reason there is simply not going to be enough left. But Believers must understand that "The math of heaven isn’t a calculation of scarcity but of abundance." Hence, be glad to give part of what God has given you back to Him and to even share with others.



I have my father's nature, I'm a generous giver. I operate from the realm of abundance. Amen!

You are blessed!

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