

dear diary,

I am just a girl,

A little while ago I was consumed by a dilemma that flooded my tongue with the bitter taste of tears. All my life he has been around and I have shut him down since we're the from the sandbox type. We have tried. I have tried but it never worked as it was apparent to him that the adventure and excitement in my eyes wasn't for him. I wanted all of the adventure of exploring new persons and living love for myself. I wanted a love that consumed me and made me question things about myself I never knew I could ask. I'm gone now. I left. Without a goodbye. Deep deep down I know I'll be forgiven but the dilemma is all this time I've been gone my mind has been clear and I realise I was blinded by stupidity and he was all those things and more. But It's too late now. what can I do now? after all this...

I am just a girl.

A girl who is wounded by the devouring pain of another's heartbreak and her own. A girl who painted a picture of fiction so wonderful and bright that I blinded myself of reality and all other beauteous works surrounding me.

but who am I? What can I be? Except for the fact that...

I am just a girl.

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