RC. Chapter 4.

RC. Chapter 4.

Tulkin Chulliev


Diagramming the Passages.

There are two types of diagram elements: Markings and Notations

Markings refer to marks (underlining, brackets, circles, boxes) made DIRECTLY on the text of the passage.

Notations refer to written notes or symbolizations made NEXT TO the text.

There is no correct or incorrect way to notate a passage. It varies from person to person.

The important rule of passage diagramming: do not over-diagram!

With practice, marking and notating become second nature. When this occurs, the amount of time used for diagramming the passage is minimal. The key, though, is to be extremely familiar with the kinds of marks and notations you prefer to make.

These are some sample diagram elements you can use:



*Use to mark words, phrases or sentences that are important, such as tone indicators.

*Use with indicator words for numbered lists.


*Use to mark words that change the direction of the passage such as “but” or “although.”


*Use solely to mark viewpoints and viewpoint changes.


*Use to identify sections of text too large to underline.

*Use in combination with notations where appropriate.


V – Use with a box for Viewpoints, with a subscript identifying the group or person.

MP – Use to identify the Main Point of the passage.

CC – Use to denote Compare and Contrast sections, sometimes with brackets.

Def – Definitions of words, phrases, or ideas, sometimes with a bracket.

Ex – Place next to Examples used in the passage.

1, 2, etc. – Place these numbers, with a circle around each, next to the items in numbered lists. Underline each item indicator.

Q – Use to note Questions posed by the author in the text.

Diagramming is a powerful tool to keep track of the information in each passage. Therefore, develop a system that works well for you. A sample system is given above.

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