

Noelthan Archielles

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It's among me and you, beginning from the foam of adoration that comes from our experiences, in this way orchestrating our affection bond over the long haul together. The mark of bliss that we have found since our souls joined in the distinctions that are our assets, is the main success we have acquired. God joined with the universe to design an excursion to endlessness with the best stream ever, only for us. The breeze shackles opportunity for the two of us, there isn't a glaringly obvious explanation for why I feel so comfortable when I'm with you. All that has to do with you, carves my smile, assembles my happiness. You're the root of the prehistory narrative of my heart's flourishing, when the light from the moon and sun just beams on the body, however your soul can radiate on my body and soul, from all sides. See ourselves reflected by the evening glow through the stream around evening time, doesn't the radiance of its light further orchestrate the account of us in this life loaded up with reality joined with mortality? You're my main objective, nobody can upset our bond that has been tied so firmly, regardless of how enormous the issue is.

Your presence brings serenity nirvana.

Your smile brings disentangled joy,

streaming as spotless as jeweled water.

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