

Miss Kay.
Genesis Review.

Some trust in chariots & some trust in horses but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. To remember is to review. It's Genesis Review! Karibu. Today we remember scriprures we have learnt from previous lessons.

We have One who guides us through Life. His name is God. He has given us His Word to be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths. Today it's all about challenging your child's memory 🧠 of scriptures learnt. The Scriptures are:-

1. Observant πŸ€“: Joshua 1:7: Only be bold and courageous.

Genesis 1:11: And in the third day God created vegetation.

2. Submissive πŸ™: Romans 13:1: Let every person be loyally subject to governing authorities.

3. Appreciative 🀲: Job 33:4: The Spirit of God hath made me and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.

Colossians 3:23: Whatsoever may be your task work at it heartily as something done to the Lord and not men.

Challenge your child with the following questions:-

1. How does she understand the character traits?

2. Has she lived out the character traits she has learnt?

3. What has she learnt from the memory verses?

4. How many memory verses does she remember?

Memorising Scriptures is part of the job, living them out is the main job.

As the week unfolds encourage your child to memorize & demonstrate Scripture. Hiding God's Word in her heart that she may not sin against Him. Loving God in deed and truth.

Create a living journal bearing words of life in your hearts πŸ’—πŸ“•.


Yours truly,

Miss Kay.

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