garage door security shark tank

garage door security shark tank

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Garage Door Security Shark Tank


Automatic Garage Door Lock ELockSys Garage Door Lock on Shark Tank Dead Bolt for Garage Door - Episode 523 - 3/21/2014 I'm not sure this is a wise decision, but it looks like millions of people are going to learn how easy it is to break into Automatic Garage Door's on the next Shark Tank Show. I honestly never knew you can easily bypass the entire lock system in a matter of seconds using nothing but a coat hanger. I suppose that's good knowledge to know in case you ever get locked out of the house, but not so good when it comes to this false sense of security millions of people are vulnerable to. Fortunately it looks like Bryan White, the inventor of the ELockSys, has invented a Radio Controlled Dead Bolt Lock System guaranteed to keep you safe. The E-LockSys has actually been around over 14 years with the trademark issued in 2005 for "Radio Frequency Controlled Locks". Interesting that this new Shark Tank product is already available at Sears Stores offline, and available on Amazon to have the ELockSys delivered to your door.

One of the feature's I really like about this garage door lock is it makes your Automatic Door "Smart". If for any reason you forget to close the Garage Door whether coming or going, the ELockSys will take over and automatically close and lock itself back up. E-Lock System before Shark Tank Update It looks like Bryan received some great publicity from KUSI News, in San Diego, CA. back in 2010, but no publicity to speak of since then as far as I can tell. One of the things almost all Shark Tank Contestants have in common is a presence on social network sites like FaceBook, Twitter and Google+, which ELockSys doesn't seem to be promoting this product's benefits in any of them. Maybe, just maybe Byran will read this before his appearance on the Shark Tank, and at least get a few of those valuable links up, which will certainly pay huge dividend's just next weekend alone. As far as the E Lock System getting a deal on the Shark Tank, we'll considering this episode was filmed last year, I would assume any Shark that invested in this Garage Door Lock, would have already addressed the social network issue, as they do with all their Shark Tank Investments.

Who knows, I might be completely wrong about this one, and White might score a huge deal with the Sharks, especially since this product is already available at Sears.I have 3 units that I purchased at a home show 8 or so years ago and Does this company exist anymore? No updates since shark tank, saw the episode again and figured I would check it out again...Kinsto Hardware Industrial Co.,Ltd.Hello Madam/Sir, This is Eric from Kinsto Hardware in China, we areWe feel that this is one of our more applicable and import articles, as everyone out there should know something about garage door security. We’ve touched on this topic briefly in our article on a bypass technique commonly used by criminals, but today we’re going to expand on that to look at garage door security as a whole. Garage doors are a common weak point when looking at security in a whole-home approach and an easy target for thieves. Garage door are not only a weakness, but provide criminals a shelter once inside.

To the casual passerby an open garage with a work truck pulled up to it doesn’t look out of place or scream break-in. Securing your garage door doesn’t just mean the roll-up door; as you’ll read in the article below, you have to look at every entrance point as a vulnerability. Not that any loss to your family isn’t devastating, but one that occurs through a preventable measure just shouldn’t happen. Here are the 12 most important things you can do to secure your garage. Let’s briefly talk about the history of these devices so you can get an idea what we’re talking about later in the article. When the first generation of automatic openers came out they all featured the same code. You can imagine the security risk by having one of these openers. Thieves could just drive a neighborhood pushing their purchased transmitter and if you had the same brand as they did; The second generation of openers increased their security by featuring dip switches that could be set by the owner to a unique combination.

While this did increase security, most owners would leave the default setting on and guess what? Another security risk of the second-gen openers is that a code grabber could be utilized to gain access to your system. A code grabber device works by locking onto your signal and memorizing it. Then, all a thief would have to do is re-transmit the code and they were in. Modern automatic garage door openers now feature rolling-code technology, where your remote will transmit a brand new security code each time you press your remote. There are over 100 billion codes, so the likelihood of a code grabber working are very slim. Be sure that your opener features this rolling-code technology! If you use Lift-Master for instance, look for their Security+ line that features this technology. Essentially the same as war gaming a situation, Red Cell is a term we throw around here when we’re discussing testing security by putting yourself in a criminal’s shoes. How would you break in to your garage?

What are the weaknesses of your security system? Do you have an external keypad? try removing it and taking out the batteries out, can it be manipulated to open your door? How can you be sure if you don’t try it out? This is pretty extreme, so don’t take it out of context, but if you’ve got the cash, desire and time to make the repairs; kick in your own door. Have you ever kicked one in? Do you know how easy it really is? It will definitely make you rethink your security. Keep drilling these ideas into your head and we can’t say it enough… Test your system for vulnerabilities! Please also take a few minutes and share this with your friends and family! Don’t be the victim of a garage door break-in this holiday season! Want this professionally installed? ELocksys Garage Door Deadbolt Elocksys Deadbolt Garage Door Lock The garage door lock from ELocksys features a secure way to lock your garage door. It can work with either manual or automatic garage doors and integrates in with virtually all automatic garage openers.

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