


Once upon a time there lived a little girl who dreamt of living somewhere on a marvelous tiny planet just like a Little Prince. But he had only one friend there – a Rose. And what takes the girl, she wished to touch unicorns and stars, dance with butterflies and talk to the Moon. 

Have you guessed who this girl is? Yes, it’s me. I was a little girl with active mind and optimistic outlooks. I saw possibilities everywhere. My imagination was constantly jumping from one thing to another, thinking of new ideas. 

Once I came across with a poem written by a young Australian author Erin Hanson:

There is freedom waiting for you,

On the breezes of the sky,

And you ask “What if I fall”

Oh, but my darling,

What if you fly?

And I understood, that having no wrings is just a little detail for those, who can dream and make their dreams come true, who knows that “the future belongs to those who believes in there beauty of their dreams” as Eleanor Roosevelt once said.

But what is a dream? How can one define a plane of reality where dreams dwell? What creates our drwams and motivates us to reach for them even in our dreams? I often think about the very definition of a dream. How can I describe it. Is it material or it is something from beyond my understanding. I think taht dreamers and explorers make our planet a better place. They all have dreams of something big, something that will change us. They always think about humanity. They are the peoplebof tomorrow. And so am I.

But they also say: "Never meet your heroes." And sometimes I doubt myself wether it os a good idea to make all my dreams come true. Of course, some of them are amazing, some are creative, some are cute. But I am afraid of selfish dreams. The ones that make me want something for myself only. Should I pursue them? They definitely exist and it is a real challenge to overcome them.Some dreams could be dangerous. I sometimes can relate. Dreams can kill, dreams can create problems for the whole humanity. And a dreamer, explorer and inventor should be aware of such things. One wrong move, one wrong thought or actoin and your dreams can turn on you and become evil.

But off with all of these bad thoughts. I deeply encourage all of you to dream. Dream on your way to work, school (just be carefull and watch where you step), in public transport, in libraries, in stores, drwam while you are jogging in the morning. Dream of something good and positive. Dream about creativity. Dream about making our home, our planet, a better place. Place, where dreamers could thrive and dream freely, without any boundaries. Even if you are not a dreamer, try it. You may be pleasantly surprised with the result. Give it a try.

Now I’m 16 and I don’t stop dreaming. Of course, my dreams have changed since then and have become more complicated and serious. I realize that to make my dreams come true I have to be successful, smart and do my best as well. And you see, I’m ready to explore the world with curious eyes and inquisitive mind, constantly seeking to learn more and more as I want to understand more. That’s why my cherished dream is to enter the university, to get a profession of my dream and in the end to find my marvelous tiny planet where I’ll be able to touch unicorns and stars, dance with butterflies and talk to the Moon… 

Our dreams are in our hands, I’m sure!

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