Full manual for bitcoindoublespend.info

Full manual for bitcoindoublespend.info


What is double spend?

Double spend not a bag/hack bitcoin, this is replacing one version of an unconfirmed transaction with a different version of the transaction that pays a higher transaction fee(RBF https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Replace_by_fee)

What is WIF?


WIF- wallet import format(private key from bitcoin address)

After generating the new address, we send there the necessary amount for one-time double spend

Example: KyPinY6eeHvhjPos5oqb62tfBkmiKkqqPxQpodbCVtB9hDqrm3Ka

The private key (WIF) is required to sign the transaction.

Where i can get my WIF?


We use https://coinb.in/#newAddress for generate new address and private key every time when want use double spend
After generating the new address, we send there the necessary amount for double spend and paste our WIF(private key) on bitcoindoublespend.info

Your site stolen/view my private key?

No, your private key need only for sign and view your unspent balance.

We do not send your private keys anywhere and do not store them. Operations with private keys are held in your browser.
But we recommended use one-time addresses where you do not store coins.

First address and second what this?

First address(TO) it will have a Malicious Transaction character, that is, it will be removed from the blockchain and the coins will not be confirmed at this address.
Second address(TO2) to this address, you return your coins when you broadcast the second transaction.
Example: https://youtu.be/axSnhqAKcIo

Okay, i generate double spend transaction what is next?

Next you need broadcast first transaction to Blockhain nodes.
Before broadcast you can check what and where will go your coins.

copy hex encoded bitcoin transaction and paste here https://live.blockcypher.com/btc/decodetx/

You can broadcast transaction on our site just click button Broadcast or use another sites https://coinb.in/#broadcast or https://www.blockchain.com/en/btc/pushtx or https://live.blockcypher.com/bcy/pushtx/

After goal achieved you need broadcast second transaction.


We recommended use double spend if mempool have >6000 transactions
Your can check how many unconfirmed transaction now here https://www.blockchain.com/en/btc/unconfirmed-transactions

Note that double spending has a high likelyhood of failure, and the initial transaction may be confirmed.

Use double spend at your own risk. 

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