

Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

encased in ice
my fingers press
from inside
to outside

blurred street lights
muffled city sounds
around me
around you

iced slick pavements
snow piled high
marking weeks
marking months

beneath a snowdrift
buried and forgotten
reaching out
reaching in

words never spoken
frozen in place
from me
to you

grey winter air
weighted with silence
blown to sea
blown to sky

when spring comes
memories will transform
from ice
to water

boots will cross
broad black puddles
mirroring lights
mirroring faces

on your soles
in step together
from city
to country

spring showers fall
tangled in raindrops
tasting your tongue
tasting mine

grasses push up
crocuses bloom —
do you feel me
as I feel you?

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