Frontend Developer

Frontend Developer

Требуемый опыт работы: от 3 до 6 лет

Опубликовано на:, 18.05.2021


You will be challenged to create the best user interface for users who are software developers, just like us. Our startup makes time tracking one of the least annoying responsibilities for your colleagues all over the world.

For that you will be doing the following activities in one of our teams:

  • Inventing
  • Planning
  • Collaborating
  • Implementing
  • Getting feedback
  • 3+ years in web software development
  • JavaScript/TypeScript, framework like React.js
  • Markup, CSS/LESS
  • Bonus: .NET Core backend acknowledgement
  • Bonus: Unit testing experience
  • Focus on product, not coding
  • Freedom
  • High-skilled team you work with
  • You are able to grow, influence and change
  • Remote-first and your own pace

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