command,help,aliases,answer,keyboard,scenarios,need_reply,group,You can use any others columns too


BACK",Start always run in first. You can see /help,"text, link,

image, πŸ’¬ emoji, inline,

βš™οΈ BJS: Bot Java Script",,,,

/example,This hint displayed on /help,"ex, exa",This is bot's answer for example command,,,,,

/format,How i can format answer?,,"You can use /text formating, insert /link, /image or use /inline text",,,,,

/text,,text,"You can use *bold*, _italic_ text. \n Use ""n"" for new line.",,,,,

/link,,link,"You can use [TEXT](URL) for links. *Example*: \n


/image,,image,[Example pic](,,,,,

/inline,,inline,"Use inline blocks:

`inline fixed-width code`


pre-formatted fixed-width code block


/keyboard,How i can use keyboard?,,"Just use command or commands aliases in column ""keyboard"". Use ""n"" for new line",,,,,

/lastupdate,Last upload commands time,,*Last updated at:* 03:27 30.05.2021\n\n You can use formulas in answer!,,,,,

/emoji,,πŸ’¬ emoji,πŸ˜‚ πŸ› πŸš€,,,,,

/bjs,Some BJS examples,βš™οΈ BJS: Bot Java Script,You can add logic with BJS,"calculate 2+2, πŸ–Ό send Photo,

πŸ‘€ send Sticker, πŸ“± Contact, πŸ”Š Audio, πŸ“Ή Video,

πŸ—Ί Location, πŸ—Ί Send Location,

πŸ‘€ Get user profile photos, BACK",,,,

calculate 2+2,,,,,Bot.sendMessage(2+2),,,

/photo,,πŸ–Ό send Photo,,,"Api.sendPhoto({ photo: """"})",,,

/audio,,πŸ”Š Audio,,,"Api.sendAudio({audio: """"});",,,

/video,,πŸ“Ή Video,,,"Api.sendVideo({video:"""" })",,,

/location,,πŸ—Ί Location,,,"Api.sendLocation({latitude:48.831504, longitude:2.322804})",,,

/sendLocation,,πŸ—Ί Send Location,Please share your location via πŸ“Ž,,"// you can inspect all data

// Bot.inspect(request);

let location = request.location

if(!location){ Bot.sendMessage(""Please send location""); return }

Bot.sendMessage(""Your location is:\n longitude "" + location.longitude + ""\n latitude: "" + location.latitude )",TRUE,,

/contact,,πŸ“± Contact,,,"Api.sendContact({ phone_number: ""+18554154545"", first_name:""Bill"", last_name: ""Gates"" })",,,

/sticker,,πŸ‘€ send Sticker,,,"Api.sendSticker({ sticker:"""" });",,,

/profile,,πŸ‘€ Get user profile photos,,,"Api.getUserProfilePhotos({user_id: user.telegramid, on_result: ""onGetProfilePhotos""});",,,

onGetProfilePhotos,,,,,"// you can inspect result:

// Bot.inspect(options)


return Bot.sendMessage(""Error!"");



return Bot.sendMessage(""You have no photos in profile"")


let photos =;

for(let i in photos){

Api.sendPhoto( { photo: photos[i][0].file_id } );



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