for you.

for you.


Love is a blessing and you’re the finest one imaginable to me. Months have flown by, and you have become a part of me, residing someplace in my heart and accompanying me everywhere I go. Throughout each passing day our love has grown; I never stop thinking about you and never feel alone as long as you are by my side. Aku selalu ngerasa bersyukur karena kamu lahir ke dunia ini, dan berakhirnya sama aku. Hehe. Despite everything, I know that with you here, we will survive everything.

Every second I’ve spent with you is the most memorable time of my life. You always stay beside me and hold me when I’m at my worst. Thank you, dearest, for being the beacon that illuminates my path. Kamu itu alasan dibalik banyak hal, dari penyebab aku senyum-senyum sendiri sampai kenapa aku bisa tidur nyenyak di malam hari. Honestly, I could go on for days about why I love you, bisa bikin buku kayanya. You complete me like no one else does; my missing puzzle piece.

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