
how happy i am when you come into my life, you make my days more colorful, you always try to make me happy in your own way, you always make i smile widely, even though your condition is sometimes not good or you are stressed, but you always make my mood good, good person, patient, I don't know what else to talk about i'm lucky to know you. you are everything to me, you are my world, you are my most comfortable home, you are my place to complain, basically everything is in you, because you are perfect in my eyes. maybe in the eyes of others you have many shortcomings but not in my eyes, because you are the most perfect creature created by god, even though there are shortcomings, I will definitely cover those shortcomings, still be the person I love, I love you🤍.

i have reminder for you :

01. you are strong, compassionate, cute

02. you are positive vibes

03. you must be proud of yourself

04. it's okay if things don't go well

05. all here love you including me

06. please don't forget to love yourself

07. you deserve to be happy

08. i am always with you without moving in a single detail

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