For you

For you

Sean praditya

My dearest Ody,

As I sit here reflecting on all the reasons why I fell so deeply in love with you, I'm overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of my feelings. There's something truly magical about every aspect of who you are, and I find myself falling more in love with you with each passing day.

From the way you get excited when you talk about your passions to the softness of your presence, every detail about you captivates me in a way I never thought possible.

But it's not just the big things that make me love you; it's the little moments, too. I Like the way you always know how to make me smile, even on the darkest of days. Your kindness, your generosity, and your unwavering support are just a few of the many qualities that make you the incredible person you are.

And let's not forget about your quirks and imperfections—the things that make you uniquely you. Whether it's your adorable smile or your jokes that never fail to make me laugh, each one of these idiosyncrasies only serves to endear you to me even more.

In you, I have found my soulmate, my partner in crime, and my best friend. You are my rock, my confidant, and my greatest source of happiness

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