For you.

For you.


101 reasons why I love you.

1. Karena kamu Zhaffran.

2. Just because you are you.

3. Karena aku suka kamu duluan.

4. You’re handsome.

5. You’re cool.

6. You’re smart.

7. You’re unique.

8. You make me comfortable.

9. You make me happy.

10. You always care about me.

11. You’re gentle and thoughtful.

12. You like any little things I do.

13. You’re kind.

14. You’re patient.

15. You forgive me quickly.

16. You’re special.

17. Kamu gak tega marah sama aku.

18. Kamu selalu buat aku salting.

19. Kamu selalu puji aku setiap waktu.

20. You told me you love me.

21. You support me.

22. You can be my support system.

23. You give me the best advice.

24. You want to be with me for me.

25. You want me to be happy.

26. You made me trust you so much.

27. You make me smile for no reason.

28. Kamu ngeselin.

29. Kamu gak mau ngalah.

30. Kamu menarik banget.

31. Kamu alay.

32. Kamu super duper gemes.

33. Kamu bawel.

34. Kamu suka tanyain aku udah mam atau belum.

35. Kamu suka pake sticker gemes.

36. Kamu cemburu sama banyak hal.

37. Kamu cemburu sama Jenova.

38. Aku suka pas kamu lagi cemburu.

39. Kamu rajin.

40. Kamu pintar.

41. Kamu disiplin.

42. Kamu bertanggungjawab.

43. Kamu selalu buat aku kagum.

44. You make me proud of you.

45. You’re rare.

46. Kamu cuma punya aku.

47. Kamu cuma ada 1 di dunia, dan sekarang udah jadi milikku 😏.

48. You’re different.

49. You love me differently than others.

50. My attention is always on you.

51. The way you look after I say I love you.

52. How you never said that it was my fault.

53. How you do always say that what I do is always the best.

54. You treat me special, different from others.

55. You like me the most.

56. You always understand.

57. You have a big heart.

58. You’re a lovely person.

59. You’re a warm person.

60. You always try to be better.

61. Hearing or reading your name makes me smile.

62. I’m not that perfect but I know you love me.

63. You’re my lover and my best friend at the same time.

64. You text me “Halo pacar, selamat pagi, ayo bangun, udah makan belum?” etc.

65. You always make my day full of your love.

66. You’re always quitely stalking me.

67. The way you call me with petname always makes my stomach feel like it’s filled with butterflies.

68. I love the way you call me “cewek gue, darl, honey, sweetie, baby, kitty” etc.

69. I love every single things about you.

70. You’re everything to me.

71. You’re my home.

72. You’re my world.

73. You’re my universe.

74. You’re my soulmate.

75. You’re everything to me.

76. Everything in you is a pride for me.

77. You’re sweet, smart, funny, and gorgeous.

78. I love you more than I can describe.

79. How you make me feel better when I thought I was nothing.

80. You let me rant.

81. Because we have the same personality.

82. I love the way you kissed me..

83. You’ll never give up on me.

84. I love the way you look into my eyes.

85. You make me feel safe.

86. I love that you let your guard down and took a chance on dating me.

87. I love how protective you are over me.

88. You complete me.

89. Because you can’t cook hahaha.

90. You’re attractive.

91. I love you more than anything in the whole world.

92. I love you because you try and be a handy man.

93. I love our mutual trust in each other.

94. I love coming home to you after work.

95. Kamu ngebiarin aku ngelakuin apapun yang aku mau selama itu baik.

96. Karena kita punya bias yang sama yaitu Karina.

97. Kamu selalu ajak aku main gartic atau sposess.

98. We have the same taste in music.

99. We have the same taste in music and it’s like a soul connection.

100. We have the same sense of humour.

101. I love knowing that if I died tomorrow, that I found my soulmate.

YEAAAYY SELESAI, sebenernya banyak alasan why I love you. Tapi gak bohong ini nguras otak banget HAHAHA. Once again, I really really love you.

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