for you

for you

with love, zarala
today is friday, what do you have plans? whatever your plans for today, don't forget to smile and be happy! i hope today you feel happiness without the slightest bit of sadness. i hope you're doing okay today, please be happy and take care of yourself

a little reminder for you :
1. i still love you, don't tell anyone, ok? this is just a secret for the two of us, no one else and no one should know
2. always cheerful and smiling! you bring light to all people, therefore don't let your light faint on account of someone who is irresponsible
3. remember that you're loved, you're important and you're matter
4. don't forget to be grateful for the blessings you've got up to this moment, you're lucky enough for that

i think that's enough(?) i also don't know, so that's enough i say thank you

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