For you.

For you.

My Dearest klein.

In the vast canvas of life you are an unexpected joy, a beacon of light, a forever that changes the course of my life Every word I write is an attempt to express the deep emotions that having your child requires.

You were a defining moment of my love a starburst that sent shock waves through my being, tearing through the walls of my beautifully constructed world. The unpredictability of our relationship just adds to the magic, like a serendipitous dance orchestrated by the universe itself.

I never knew it would be you the one who holds the key to my heart, the architect of this beautiful journey we find ourselves on. And yet, here you are occupying every corner of my mind, my dreams, and my reality. Everything is you, and there is indescribable beauty in that determination.

Every day with you unfolds like a new chapter in our book. Your love and longing touching the depths of my soul, and playing the rhythm that drowns out the noise of the world around us. In front of you, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the plain becomes a canvas of vibrant sensual colours.

This letter is not just an expression of love, It is your celebration the one that turned simple times into special memories, the one that brought color to my black and white world. Your love is my sanctuary, a haven where vulnerability is not only acknowledged but celebrated.

As I explore the shapes of our shared history, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity that brought me to you. Fate and chance conspired to bring us together, and I am forever grateful for the intricate dance that weaves our destiny into a beautiful tapestry of love.

With love that knows no bounds, Arkana.

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