for u

for u

zea your gf

hi love i want u to know that u mean everything to me and that u are very very important to me u bring me so much happiness and joy ^^ you make me feel so loved && cared for and i can't thank u enough for that. thank u for being my boyfriend thank u for putting up with me on my bad days and the days that im just really annoying. thank u for actually talking the time to know me. thank u for making me feel so loved and cared for. i've never felt this level of careness and love from someone before and im happie it was u that's making me experience it i would do anything to keep u healthy and alive. i'd give my life just so u could live yours ૮ ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ა i hope our relationship continues to grow and last forever. i love u so much Dim !!! i wouldn't b who i am today without u and i probably wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for u. please never anyone to give my louve and affection and careness too.


&& zea yakin semesta pasti punya rencana yang indah buat kita berdua, zea juga yakin kalo semesta bakalan berpihak pada kita, hehe. kalau misalkan nanti kenyataannya kita ngga ditakdirkan buat bersama, zea beruntung pernah berjuang untuk dimas. zea ngga pernah nyesel nambahin dimas di cerita zea, dan dimas bakal jadi tokoh utamanya. zea bakalan janji sama diri zea sendiri, kalo zea bakalan sayang sama dimas sampe kapanpun, dan rasa sayang itu gabisa digantiin oleh siapapun walaupun ntr kita udh ngga sama-sama lagi. dimas juga ngga bisa digantiin oleh siapapun, dimas yangg terbaikk, karena cuma dimas orang yang ada di hati juga pikiran zea. yya walaupun kita virtual tpi zea tetep sayang sama dimas, dimas yang udah sabar sama sifat zea yang ngambekan, suka bikin dimas kesel, kek bocil, tapi zea suka tau liat dimas ngalah gitu hehe ><


thank u for making me feel loved and letting me feel that I'm more than enough for u. u are so special to me, u deserve everything good and perfect , you deserve all the wonderful things in the world and I want to try my best to give that to u. I know I'm not perfect but I want to be perfect for u, I want to be the best I can, I want to be the type of person that u want and I want to be your support system because u already do the same things to me, u always try your best to looks good in front of me, thank you for being u, and i always love u darl !!


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