for u

for u

hello! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡


I want to complain, may I?

I, want to complain about how I struggle to keep loving you..

I, actually have forgotten you a little, but still you and you still fill my mind and heart continuously, because in fact I can't forget you.

sorry if I'm a little presumptuous, am I wrong that I still have this feeling for you? even though i know you already have a girlfriend...

I've tried many times, seconds, minutes, hours, months, even years, but still can't.

emm sorry, actually I want to express something

that I,

still love you..

sorry, I just want to calm my heart, just want to get rid of my feelings, make me realize that I really can't reach you..

I love you more than 5 years...

However, you haven't responded to me at all.

Before, I didn't understand how it felt to get my heart broken when I saw you with my friend, but now I understand...

I'm honestly a little afraid to express these feelings, afraid that the previous incident will repeat itself,

where your boyfriend messaged me because he felt that I was being rude..

sorry, I just want to express this feeling..

please stay healthy!

maaf ya pake bahasa inggris, biar lebih ngefeel ehehehe :)

semoga hari hari kamu bahagia terus yaw!


makaasihh banyak kalo kamu udah berkenan liat ini, padhal beneran gaje :(


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