for u

for u

hey hey, how's your day? remember there is still tomorrow and tomorrow, so if you have a bad day don't despair and give up. don't do anything weird, okay? love yourself, don't spoil it. i know it must be really hard, mentally and physically you are tired, you are forced like this. as much as possible if you are having a broken heart you are looking for a place to pour out your heart, it is not good if you keep it to yourself. if you really can't tell anyone you just write down all your complaints on a piece of paper, if you burn the paper god willing it will reduce your burden a little. all human beings already have their own strengths and weaknesses, you are you. don't always be insecure, you are beautiful you are perfect in your own version. don't listen to negative words from other people, usually people like that don't like to reflect on themselves. you are great so far, you have gone through everything sincerely i admire you. there are still many out there who care about you, so never feel alone. i'm here for you, always. i also feel lucky to be friends with you. maybe that's all the message from me, i hope you are always happy.

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