

W.St St.Ursula8e

My favorite sport is football. That is a ball game with is played by two different teams. Their object is it to score goals. In each team are 11 players who are playing on different positions:

1. The goalkeeper. He tries to block the shots on the goal by the opposing team.

2. The defence. They are preventing the opposite team from shooting at their goals.

3. The midfielders. They are very important for cross field passes to the scorers, and if the defence needs help, they have to return to them. They are offensive and defensive.

4. The scorers. They are at the front of the roster and have to score goals for their team.

A team has scored a goal, if the ball crossed the line in the goal. For example that would not be a goal:

After two halftimes that last 45 minutes the team with the most goals wins.

But there are much more rules: For example, if someone in your team shoots the ball behind the touchline, the opposite team has to throw the ball into the field, but if that happens at the goal line (end line) the opposite team is allowed to kick the ball from the corner and thats very often a good chance to score a goal.

Sometimes it happens that somebody hurts anyone at the opposite team on purpose. Then the opposite team usually gets a free kick from the spot where the player got fouled, but if he gets fouled in the penalty area the opposing team gets a penalty. That means that they have a free shoot from the penalty mark with only the goalkeeper in their way. Depending on how badly he is hurt the player who fouled him gets a yellow card or if he did it more than once, a red card. A yellow card is a warning for a red card and a red card means the expulsion of the player. These are the most important rules.

I play football since I was 3 and I am in a football club since I was 5. I'm training 3 or 4 times a week and i have twice a week a match. I really like playing football because you are in a team with many friends and I also think it is very funny to see other boys who think they are way better because we are "just girls" and then we win against them. I am in a girls team for 2 years and before hat I played in a boys team as long as I could. The boys treated me from the beginning as one of them and they never had problems with a girl in a boys-team so I was really confused when I changed to a girls team that our male opponents were so arrogant. And thats what i don't like at football. I also don't like that the parents or coaches of the opposing team are sometimes so rude. Once we had a match against a male team which insulted us as "Putzfrauen" and laughed at us. And I think thats very sad because we all want to have fun together while playing football and things like these are nothing but a waste. But of course thats not always like this and mostly everyone is nice.

Megan Rapinoe
Sara Däbritz

My favorite football player is Megan Rapinoe, who plays for the American national team. She's also the best female football player and seems very nice in person. I don't really have a favorite team, but I support the male and female national team in which my favorite player is Sarah Däbritz. But the most famous players are Christiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi from which I am not a really big fan but of course they play incredibly good football...

I hope that the Coronavirus will be gone soon so that I can play football again.

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