First Time

First Time

I'm incredibly tired while typing this. Not the kind of tired one might feel after waking up at the crack of dawn, or the kind of tired one might feel after taking part in a frustrating conversation. No, I'm the kind of tired where my body barely wants to respond to my brain's commands. I'm the kind of tired where I can't even fathom re-attempting what I had just done.

I don't like to masturbate. Well, I don't know how true that statement is anymore. Before, I understood masturbation as a process by which my skin-snipped dick would have what skin it had left be thoroughly rubbed, like how one might evenly rub seasoning onto a nice cut of beef before slamming that slice onto the grill. Suffice to say, I don't like the experience I used to call "masturbation," and I know for a fact that not many would. What I did to myself in the past was a blatant mistreatment of my instrument - abuse. That was then, but this is now.

I was beginning one of my feeble attempts at getting my rocks off when I noticed something. I said to myself, "Hey, grabbing the skin itself doesn't restrict my movement!" That's where it began. Sure enough, this experience was much more comfortable than what I was used to - although, admittedly, I feel envious for those who aren't circumcised, since they get even more freedom of movement, and I've also heard that they got some nerves in there that make it even nicer, but I literally would not be able to test those claims, so I don't know for sure. This is the first aspect of my experience that drove me to type-out and publish my experience: realizing how to do this shit correctly.

The second aspect of this experience happens right before the end of my session. I was not masturbating to any content, and I was simultaneously doing a frantic search for content in the hopes of making my experience even better, while also dealing with what I knew was about to happen. Unfortunately, I ran out of time. This was where I finally broke - no, not like that. I began to laugh. I really just masturbated to nothing! The next aspect was not so funny.

The third aspect of this experience happens at the beginning of the aftermath of my session. Before, all I was familiar with was the pre-ejaculate. I was not prepared for what followed. An absolute geyser, followed by a kind of tension-relief that I had never experienced before. Sure, that was fun, but clean up was not. I had spunk all over my hand, and all over underwear. I was frantic to clean it all up, having very little at my disposal to wipe shit up. I ended up using my underwear. Still, I had so much on my hand and dick. The bathroom was right across from my bedroom door, but the room right next to that was my sister's room. I couldn't just walk out with jizz on my hand, so I wiped as much of I could off, once again using my underwear. Of course, before leaving my room for the bathroom, I got changed. On my way out of my room, I noticed some things that I would later label as the fourth and fifth aspects of my experience, respectively.

The fourth aspect was that my dick was incredibly sensitive, and the fifth was that I could barely walk. I did my best to get to the bathroom, washing off my hands with a bard of soap. I was still in shock from what had just transpired, and I proceeded to thoroughly rinse off the soap, in the delusional fear that I might have contaminated it somehow. I got back to my room, sat down, and began gathering my thoughts. It was during this thought-gathering process that I realized something else.

I legitimately could not fathom doing that again. This was the sixth aspect. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I was scared or uninterested - I just could not fathom using what energy I had left to try that again. Instead, I used what little energy I had left to write this piece.

To conclude: I still have no fucking clue what I just went through.

Next morning update: I apparently went way too hard, so now I've got a sore instrument to nurse.

Evening update: Blisters. I blistered my cock.

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