The Billboard Inside Cemetery. Russia

The Billboard Inside Cemetery. Russia

Short Rhymes

New horror movie is coming soon,

Perfect setting is town in gloom.

Cruel family buries their leader,

"I have an idea", - said disconsolate widow.

"We have no money for monument, kids, 

We have to do something, except vodka and sweets, 

We'll set large portrait, it's posthumous award,

I've heard, that such thing is called billboard.

Higher than other, it will be alright 

For easier way the trail to find.

People will know, who's recently died,

Every stranger who's passing by".

Next in the town happens a lot -

Violence and greed are moving the plot.

Such views aren't liked by closest neighbor,

He comes than and says "Do me a favor!

Either take it off and pay me for ages 

Or help me to sell my garage to strangers"

Without choice, widow takes the deal,

Hoping that it was her husband's last will.

Product placement as always takes place

Billboard advertises not only the face, 

But also cars, garage and flats for rent - 

In final the story has a bad end.

| gloom - мрак, уныние

| to bury - хоронить

| disconsolate widow - безутешная вдова

| posthumous award - посмертная награда

| trail - тропа

| to pass by - проходить мимо

| greed - жадность

| the plot - сюжет

| to take the deal - заключать сделку

| advertise - реаламировать


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