

Professor Sergio

1. Who is the father of geography??

2. The first one who tried to calculate the length of the equator??

3. the first person who divided the circle into 360 degree on the basis of assyrian mathematics ??

4. The first one who calculate the circumference of earth??

5. Who is the father geodesy ??

6. Who invented the Astrolab to determine the longitudinal and latitude? ?

7.Who was the first thinker who wrote about the shape of earth as being sperical as the basis of sound reasoning ??

8. Who wrote about the book name called Geographica ??

9. Who wrote the book name called Ges Peridos means description of Earth ??

10. Who is the Most famous Roman scholar of cartography and general geography??

11. Which Roman geographer considered the earth to be oblong ??

12. Who wrote about the book name called a Historia Naturaliya ??

13. First to draw maps ??

14. Father of mathematical geography??

15. Who is the first cartographer ??

16. who is the first scholar who tried to measure the earth ??

17. Who is the First scholar tried to draw meridian on the maps ??

18. Dark age is between ??

Note: answers will be posted on tonight 8:00 p.m.

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