First & Forever.

First & Forever.

Asher L' Constantine
You & Me (?)

In the midst of crowds, I saw you for the first time. Your soft black hair, beautiful brown eyes, and your lovely smiles had caught my eyes, and at that time I thought "Are you the one?"

Slowly, I walk towards you while holding my breath because there was a nervousness inside me which make me feel torn to approach you. But I shake off all of my doubts and went to you. The selcouth feeling when I talked to you it makes me feel comfortable and somehow déjà vu (?)

We got close and closer each time we talked to each other, and I must confess one thing, "Haldeint Valdemouir, when I'm with you, I feel like I experienced nirvana."

You tilt your head confusedly and ask me, "How come? We just met a few times." I smiled while looking at your lucent eyes for a while, "Right? We just met a few times and I feel a lot of emotions when I'm with you Hald, and it confuses me so much." You stare blankly at the grass we always sat on to watch the stars and moon together. "I... Don't know how should I reply you, Asher," you replied. "You do not have to reply with words, but with redamancy, Hald. I promise I will love you and make you happy until the end. In return, you'll love me back with all of your heart until we parted in our own ways. How is that sound?" I said while caresses your hair slowly. You looked up just to find my eyes already looking at you with tears welling up within my eyes, "I think I have my answer now? I'll be your second home, I'll try to be understanding although I'm not perfect, but I'm willing to change for you, Asher."

"Why did you say that? I've already loved you deep down in my heart since our first meeting, you're the most perfect of all in my eyes. And you do not have to change for me or anything else, I want you just to be yourself and love me, soon we will found our happiness together and I'll make you experience the euphoria of falling in love, Haldeint Valdemouir." — Asher Le Constantine to Haldeint Valdemouir.

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