financia coin

financia coin

author: Apel malang 

profil Bitcointalk:;u=1953438 


The advent of technological change around the world has also affected the entire financial environment. Investors and traders now want easy access to platforms that allow them to interact comfortably with global incentives so that they can invest heavily and achieve predetermined goals. 

Digital currencies are one of the potentials of technological measures over the past decade, including secure cryptographic features that allow traders to feel secure, protected, and to control the exchange of assets at a particular source in a controlled manner. One day, everyone has heard of Bitcoin, a decentralized Devotional Crypto that has gained popularity with the masses over time.

This currency form has a unique quality that is quite opposite to traditional electronic mechanisms managed and controlled by banks. System. Unlike centralized systems such as the decentralized aspects of cryptographic transactions and related databases. According to a September 2017 report, over 1,000 cryptos in the world and among its many features

Yang paling menonjol adalah bahwa hal ini tidak didukung oleh entitas dan pemerintah.

Safety, reliability and maintenance of soft information are ensured through interconnected parties known as miners. The process of approving transactions, transfers to ledgers, which are decided together with a timeshare system, is defined by the relevant interest groups as Miners, who benefit financially for their technical support and services. In the meantime, although awareness is limited because of its widespread popularity, it sounds significant among business people and potential investors.


Financia  adalah sebuah Platform Global Revolucer Untuk Copy Trade. Dimana Pedagang & Investor dapat menukar mata uang kripto secara online dengan cara transparan dan menyenangkan dengan cara menggunakan strategi investasi jaringan sosial dari copy trade.

And also Fiancia has features with special TV channels for Crypto Currency

The world's first Crypto news channel is dedicated to news, debates of cryptocurrency market leaders, financial data 7 on all crypto currency pairs, tech news blockchain and 24/7 decentralization. Live streaming on all networks and satellite broadcast devices.

Manfaat Menggunaan Layanan Dari Fiancia

Fiancia  has introduced the trading system by trades of other fully controlled, reliable and  user-friendly user  has copied that their business needs and their level of expectation  include  can. The influence of the crypto trade on the globe is enormous and this aspect has attracted Fiancia's attention. in a very effective and profound way.

Investor juga akan mampu mengantongi keuntungan dan keuntungan yang besar dan kuat karena munculnya sistem produktif dan unik yang memiliki akses ke lebih dari 3000 mata uang kripto pada umumnya.

The terminal offers investors the opportunity to benefit from the experience of the most qualified and competent traders, and in this way the achievement of the objectives is convenient and effective.

Easy control and facilitation in terms of personal control over cryptocurrency trading

Sambungan jaringan sosial dimana semua yang mempunyai kepentingan dan kelompok khususnya investor dan pedagang dapat berbagi pandangan, berita dan saran mereka untuk kepentingan kolektif dan juga membangun hubungan yang baik antara semua pihak dan entitas terkait.

Guaranteed payment system at the terminal with Visa Card Fiancia, Merchants and bank transfer without restrictions.


User friendly terminal

Fiancia memastikan platform perdagangan pengguna yang ramah bagi para pedagang dan investor untuk mengelola dan melaksanakan aktivitas perdagangan di bawah dan sistem perdagangan algoritmik

Potential profits

Possible profit opportunities for traders and investors. Trading with professional traders will help you to get the big benefits that other online terminals do not offer.

Risk management control

The terminal is equipped with specialized technical tools such as PHA, HACCP and FTA to control investor risk, avoid possible losses and manage one-click risk.

Komisi Besar Untuk Pedagang Pro

Professional traders can take huge profits out of the terminal. Monthly payments are still offered based on the pro-dealer.

Crypto news portal

The crypto news portal will feature an updated crypto market and blockchain technology news as well as forecasts and analysis by cryptographic market leaders.

Investasi Jaringan Sosial

The terminals will play a dynamic role in which traders and investors share their experience and trading strategies through social network investment strategies.

Ico program for token Fiancia purchase

Here are the details of ico;

Fiancia Ltd secara umum bertujuan untuk menawarkan koin FIN pada tanggal yang ditentukan pada tanggal 1 Maret 2018 13:00 GMT.Dalam hal ini perusahaan telah menargetkan hanya menerima sampai sejauh 3000 Eter pada tahap awal dengan menerbitkan 6 Juta Token.Fiancia menargetkan dana sebesar 30,000 Eter untuk proyek tersebut.

Fiancia will not receive any contribution in accordance with its commitments and financial statements and when the 30,000 Ether Hard closing limit has been hit. The company has targeted the distribution of FIN tokens in percentages such as 10% for pre-ICO phases, 75% for primary sales, 11% for founders, consultants and team members and in particular 4% for reward programs, which are discussed below taken Such a process is comprehensive. The company has targeted 6 million FIN token inventories in conjunction with Pre-ICO.

Exchange destinations that should be released after the completion of ico are executed as follows:

Given that ICO companies are also targeting the introduction of their services and business  prospects in well-known forums  , whichprovide opportunities for many crypto-currency entities and, in this context, several important names such as  Bittrex, BTC Hit and Binance  etc.

With $ 463 million in funding, $ 524 million and $ 162 million are considered. In addition,  attracting  various other names such as, CEX.IO, BTC China and Coin Check  also attracted the attention of top management at Fiancia Ltd.

Benefits that can be gained as a stakeholder of token fiancia as follows:

Package for end token holder

Die verschiedenen Kategorien von Paketen werden ebenfalls von der Geschäftsleitung von Fiancia angekündigt und umgesetzt, abhängig von der Höhe der Investitions- und FIN-Münzen, die im Allgemeinen von Händlern und Investoren gehalten werden.

Sprachpräsenz unter den Mitbewerbern, die Erhöhung des Bekanntheitsgrads unter den Fachkräften und die Erfüllung langfristiger Ziele und Ziele werden aufgrund dieser Aspekte im Allgemeinen leicht zu erreichen sein.

Gewinnprojektion für Tokens Finanz-Token

Fiancia juga akan menargetkan pengenalan keuntungan yang menguntungkan bagi pemegang koin FIN tergantung pada kinerja dan kemampuan mereka untuk tetap bertahan dalam lingkungan kripto yang sangat kompetitif. 

Für Geschäftsförderung und andere Aspekte und insbesondere zur Realisierung von Fiancias einzigartigem Aspekt für Kunden wird gleichermaßen gesorgt.

Beberapa menguntungkan Bagi Pemegang Token Fin

In addition to Fiancia's incentive management, the profitable FIN Coins will offer members discounts and social networking presence.

this improves the business functions and long-term acceptance of all relevant stakeholders.



For more information :  

Website : http : //fianCia.IO/ 


Facebook : https : //ve.f.febebuk.kom/fianCiakoin/ 

Twitter : https : // 

Telegramma: https: //

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