


Filter module is great for everything ! filter in here is used to filter words or sentences in your chat - send notes, warn, ban those!

  • /addfilter (word/sentence)

As in command this is used to add filter. To avoid hassle when setting up the the filter, Sophie will take you through an interactive setup !

As of now, there is 6 actions that you can do -

  • Send a note

  • Warn the user

  • Ban the user

  • Mute the user

  • tBan the user

  • tMute the user

A filter can support multiple actions !

Ah if you don't understand what this actions are for? - actions says bot what to do when the given word/sentence is triggered

Step for setting each actions differs - most of them identical !

Here we are setting up filter for word foo

Actions except send a note , tmute the user , tban the user are directly saved. These exceptioned actions like send a note require the note that need to be send. Similarly tmute the user and tban the user requires time

Saving filter with action Send a note

Here, I will save foo filter with action Send a note , My note name is note and it contain text bar, after clicking Send a note button - This is how I setup foo filter

It was that easy, right? Now look how to set up tBan the user or tMute the user - Both follow same procedure

Saving filter with action tBan the user

I will setup foo filter with action tBan the user or tMute the user for 10m (10 minutes), after clicking button -

Again that was so easy too 😉

Ah you don't like your filter? Use this command to delete the filter


Here I gonna delete my foo filter - It just need /delfilter foo !

If there's more than one action for a word/sentence, Sophie will give you options and you can select which one you want to delete

You want to know all filter of your chat/ chat you joined? Use this command. It will list all filters along with specified actions !

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