

1. Look for your preferred FFP2/PM 2.5/K95 Mask (They are all the same, just equivalent). The closer to you the better.

Make sure it’s shipped from US/Europe. Double check. Because a lot of Chinese sellers list as shipped from Germany, Italy, Spain but they really ship from China. So your mask could take 1-2 months to arrive.

Check in the description that they mention exactly something clear about the shipping method/carrier (For example they say ‘sent through DPD UK’).

2. Wait for it’s arrival. Congratulations, now you and your loved ones are protected!

3. After it’s arrival, let 15-30 days pass. Now there is a high chance that the advertisement is deleted and the seller probably banned.

4. Open a claim through eBay:

Go to ‘my eBay’ – find the exact purchase – click on solve a problem – never arrived.

5. After it’s open, go to the claim and select ‘ask eBay to step up’.

6. A few hours later, you’ll have your money back. Stay safe!

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