


Education before and after Covid-19 in Uzbekistan

18 мая 2020 от Ahror Tojiyev

 Education before and after Covid-19 in Uzbekistan


I Introduction.

 The essence of education in Uzbekistan.

Part II

 1 Lessons in the current quarantine period

 2. Online training

 3 Convenience of online lessons

 III Conclusion My impressions of this essay

 The young generation, which, as in all conditions in Uzbekistan, pays great attention to the field of education, must be sharp-witted and educated. but lessons were a topical issue during the current quarantine period. But the solution is that online education will allow students to participate involuntarily from Monday to Friday at this distance.

 The internet connection works well. The convenience of these lessons is that every student will have the opportunity to learn and evaluate, as in school.

 Almost all disciplines are passed according to their status.

 We hope that next year we will all return to schools, and you and I will be early

 we have to work on it late and not get tired of working.

 And as we work, brighter days will surely come.

 After all, they say, "Good luck to the aspirant."

 And it is worth noting that the person who says "aspiring reader" - does not stop reading in any situation and under any circumstances. Even if he falls to achieve his goal, he gets up again and continues the movement from where he left off. of course, not everyone can do it. But we have not fallen, we are just a small test. The online transfer of the given organized lessons is another opportunity for us, we can use these opportunities wisely and reach the heights through this opportunity. After all, in this beautiful place, where our umbilical cord blood was shed, it is worth not only to raise the flag of Uzbekistan, but also to sacrifice our lives.

Sirdaryo viloyati yuridik kolleji 1-guruh talabasi Ahror Tojiyev.

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