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Feather Mattress Topper And Electric Blanket


Electric Blankets and Mattress Pads14 Good Safety Rules All brands of warming bedding contain recommendations for safe use of theirproduct. Most of them are quite similar to those found below because a rather extensive list of safety recommendations must be issued with each product in order to conform to the UL standard. UL (Underwriters Laboratories®) is a safety certification organization that has been testing products and writing standards for safety for over 100 years. They evaluate almost 20,000 types of products each year and their worldwide companies serve over 100 countries. Good Safety Practices for Electric Bedding: Do not use warming bedding with infants or very small children, people with disabilities, anyone who is immobile or cannot operate the controls properly, anyone insensitive to heat or anyone who cannot understand these directions. Never run the control cords between the mattress and the box springs. (This advice is similar to the advice about never running an appliance or lamp cord under a rug.)

The cord could become damaged by friction or the heat from the electricity in the cord could be trapped there with no place to escape eventually becoming a fire hazard. Never pinch any of the heating wires or the control cords in any way. Therefore do not use automatic bedding with adjustable beds, Murphy beds, pull-out sofas, or reclining chairs where any electrical cords or heater wires could become pinched in the mechanisms. Do not use heated bedding on a "hospital" type adjustable bed where the heated wires could become entrapped in the "fold" which would lead to overheating and could become a fire hazard. Do not use a heated blanket and a heated mattress pad at the same time. Wrapping the cord around the controls may damage the cord. Loop loosely when storing. The heated area of any warming bedding should always lie flat. That is, it should never be bunched up, folded or balled up (e.g. between the mattress and the footboard) such that the heat generated in the middle of that ball has no place to escape.

Do not allow pets to be around your warming bedding. A sharp claw or a tooth may puncture the wire insulation or damage the wiring itself. Do not use pins around warming bedding. They can puncture the heater wire insulation. Turn off the bedding appliance when not in use. Never iron your electric blanket or electric mattress pad. Ironing may melt the heating wire insulation. Never dry clean or use cleaning fluid on your product. Dry cleaning solvents may damage the heater wire insulation. Do not use an electric blanket or electric mattress pad on a waterbed. Finally if you observe your electric blanket or electric mattress pad operating unusually or improperly (e.g. seems too hot in one area or you see a scorch mark) call the manufacturer. All of them provide customer service centers with toll free numbers to answer questions about their products (see our Contact Information page). It may seem that there are many rules for using these appliances but they are mostly common sense.

If you follow these general rules, there will be little chance of anything going wrong with your product. Things You MUSTKnow When Buying Electric Bedding. 1. Before You Buy – A MUST Review: the Lead Page of the Buyer's Guide offering: Major considerations before your purchase; Links to all of our Reviews and Ratings sections 2. Ready to Buy? If you want to see a list of retailers carrying each of the major brands of Heated MATTRESS PADS this year, click Heated Mattress Pad Retailers OR for Heated BLANKETS, click Stores Selling Electric Blankets. The Electric Blanket Institute’s Consumer Guide and Blog text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 3.0 United States License.  For any reuse or distribution you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web page. This information has been developed over many years of testing and is presented freely for educational use only and without any warranty of any kind.

It is not a substitute for the safe usage practices of your individual product. See our Policies Page for other information including advertising and affiliate linkage. Sorry, all information presented applies only to products sold in the United States. We cannot help with other products.Mattress toppers are like the icing on a cake. They lie on top of your mattress, secured by straps and are around 5cm in depth. They are designed to give your spine just the right amount of resistance and provide your back and joints with extra support and comfort. A mattress topper will also revitalise an old mattress and protect a new one . For of each of these Mattress Toppers click here > Until recently, conventional wisdom had it that the firmer the mattress, the better it was for you. Unfortunately, this has turned out not to be true and many of us are now finding our backs and joints are hurting with our extra firm mattresses. Mattress toppers are also an excellent way to revitalise a tired mattress. 

Your mattress may not be as young as it once was and is likely to have given up over the years, which means that your body weight is not evenly distributed as you sleep. Even If you’ve just bought a new mattress, you still need to 'top' in order to offer your back the support it requires. That said, if your mattress is 30 years old, sagging, with springs poking through - it may be time for a new one! Choosing a topper isn’t easy. Here’s a quick guide to help: Our luxurious natural toppers are generously stuffed to make sure that resistance is just right distributing your weight evenly and taking off the pressure. Experience the natural comfort, warmth and luxury of a traditional feather mattress with our duck feather and down mattress topper. It is filled to two inches with twin-seam construction to hold the filling firmly in place and help maintain it's shape. This mattress topper offers the comfort of feather and down and excellent value. Elasticated straps make for a secure fit.

The Clusterfull mattress topperThis luxury mattress topper, with a depth of 2”, is ideal for allergy sufferers or those with joint, neck or back pain looking for a supportive resistant mattress topper with a soft, springy feel. Many suppliers and their customers will tell you that a memory foam mattress is the ultimate sleep experience. So how does it work? By literally moulding itself to your body shape, the temperature sensitive ‘memory foam’ provides total support for your spine and joints helping to relieve any aches and pains you might have, ensuring you have a restful night’s sleep. However, there is no denying that buying a memory foam mattress is an expensive option. If you're buying a new bed or a new mattress anyway, this investment is certainly worth considering. However if you already have a decent mattress, that isn’t sagging in the middle, and would like to experience the feeling of sleeping on memory foam then a memory foam topper is a more affordable alternative. 

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