FBI & Sevinj Mirzayeva

FBI & Sevinj Mirzayeva

Blackhawk872April 17, 2019

Sent: Friday, February 3, 2012 4:39 PM

Subject: Re: BAKU BABY

Ah, thanks... We wili be SO happy sharing our lives together... Have a iook at my iatest gmail message for further details!:)...


From: Sevinc Osmanqizi <sevinc.osmanqizi@yahoo.com>

To: Kempen, Jay M.

Sent: Thu Feb 02 04:36:59 2012

Subject: Re: BAKU BABY

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy! We are gonna be one happy couple of DC.At least twice a week love-making (in joumalism we have to say the min, but more welcome), we will celebrate all good things hap

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