
1. What is Midas1000? 

Decentralized Exchange based on Ethereum Smart Contract 

which benefits you from all the operations being processed inside.

Smart Contract:



2. Why does Midas1000 bring a profit?

*The more capitalization of MID token is, the more price of token become.

*Due to the dividends you earn from hodling and referrals.

3. What is a fees distributional system?

To sustain stable growth, there is the fees distributional system encouraging newcomers to join the platform and hodling their assets.

While depositing, a user is charged with 10% and withdraw takes 4%. All fees are distributed among the all token holders.

4. Why is MID token more attractive about multiplying assets than bitcoin/eth..?

Huge amounts of money and bullish deals are necessary to double your assets in BTC/ETH/ etc. Unlike their millions' cap, MID ERC-20 token has zero capitalization at the moment of launching the project, what lets participants multiply their assets easier and faster.

5. How can I get an income within Midas1000?

Buy MID tokens and hold them as longer as you can, harvest dividends according to your amount of MID tokens and share your referral link.

6. Why does hodling MIDs bring me more profit?

The more time passes, the more MID token holders appear, what leads to the growth of capitalization, i.e. the cost of your MID tokens. Moreover, the longer you hodl, the more dividends accumulates. That’s why you avoid a risk of loss your investments.

7.What can I do with my dividends?

You can reinvest or withdraw them instantly.

8. What percent do I get from my referral?

3% of his investment.

9. How can I join platform?

Make sure your Metamask account is opened, than go to the website, click on “Connect with Metamask”, enter the number of Ethers you’d like to invest and click on BUY button. 

10. What is Metamask/I don’t have Metamask

Metamask Browser Extension is a user interface for your ETH wallet. 

Log in your account, click on “Connect with Metamask”, then all the info about your tokens, balance, dividends will be shown on the website.

Install Metamask:

Opera: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/metamask/

Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn?hl=en

Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ether-metamask/

11. I don’t see my MIDs on Metamask.                                                      

Click on “Add custom token” in your Metamask account, then enter Midas1000 smart contract: 0xfeD6a4F54Ce1bcf3cFD1fea4aE2Fc61b6F754273

12. What if the creators damp the price?

As you can check through etherscan, we have 1 ETH of our investments there. That’s why it’s impossible to do that. We have a strong intention to create a stable-income system.

13.Are you able to change the smart contract code?

No, it’s impossible. Ethereum smart contract is fully automated and could not be changed once deployed. 

Check http://ethdocs.org/en/latest/contracts-and-transactions/index.html FAQ for more explicit info. Each operation can be executed directly from Etherscan Page.

14. What are your promo plans?

We use different channels for promo Midas1000: youtube bloggers, telegram channels and money related forums. We’ve already closed several agreements about Ads. Stay tuned not to miss news and announcements on this point.

15.Hmm, why Midas 1000?

1000 ETH is that cap which will stand out Midas1000 from the competitors. By the way, reaching 1000 ETH is the 1st step of the roadmap, for that purpose agreements about promo is focused much.

16.Why should I trust the code?

Here you can find the audit of used code: https://failiem.lv/u/bd3fc5br 

Midas1000 has the same one, just use any online tool for comparison the text. 

17. My transaction is on pending too long.

Edit Gas Price on your Metamask. Recommended Gas Settings: Price 10 GWEI, Gas Limit 250000

18. Why do I see zero while calculation expected MIDs for my ETHs?

Unfortunately, Etherscan doesn’t show the calculation for less than 1ETH, please, use MID buy Price above to get it. Sorry for this inconvenience.

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