1) How can I activate cashback in WhatsApp?

To activate cashback, send a message to WhatsApp at +13477880305 with the text: "Hello, Cashback!" 

2) How to manage cashback in the bot?

- Enter /menu to access bot control commands.

3) How to book hotels to receive cashback?

- Enter /link command to start booking on Booking.com or use the special link https://mcconcierge.com/ru/cashback/.

4) How to see a booking history on Booking.com?

- Enter /history command to view a booking history.

Important note: the phone number in WhatsApp and Booking.com must be the same to display all bookings. If the hotel was booked not through the /link command or via the special link https://mcconcierge.com/ru/cashback/, the reservation information will not be displayed.

5) How to get information on a specific reservation on Booking.com?

- To display information on a specific reservation, enter /reservation command and reservation number in the format: /reservation(space)XXXXXXXXXX.

6) How to withdraw cashback to a bank card?

       - Enter /getmoney command to proceed to cashback withdrawal.

      - To receive cashback to a bank card, write /card and card number in the format: / card(space)16 digits card without spaces.

7) How to restart the bot?

White /cashback command to start over.

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