
Q: What is the duration of a license?

A: The program license is valid for a lifetime.

Q: Why does the antivirus detect a virus?

A: Due to the lifetime license of the program, it is a Repack version. Therefore, the antivirus detects a virus that doesn't actually exist. During installation, we recommend disabling the antivirus temporarily. After installation, you can safely enable the antivirus.

Q: How do I install the program?

A: Simply run the installation file and follow the provided instructions.

Q: Why isn't the program functioning properly after installation?

A: It is possible that you forgot to install the Visual C++ Redistributable Package, which is necessary for the program to operate. To resolve this issue, reinstall the program along with the Visual C++ Redistributable Package.

Q: How do I activate the program?

A: The program automatically activates upon installation, so there is no need for a separate activation process.

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