
Where can I see Postal UI? 

We deployed a demo for you. (Not for email sending).


login: admin@effecty.io

password: admin_demo

Which client can be used to send emails? 

You can use any client which allows connecting to the SMTP server by SMTP or HTTP protocol. Like Woodpecker, Mautic or Mailwizz

How much need I pay monthly?

You pay for infrastructure costs to your VPS provider.

For basic set-up, you will need a machine with Four Cores and 8GB RAM + 4 static IPs and 25 outgoing port open.

This configuration on provider we may recommend cost $13 monthly.

With this configuration and 7 days warm-up period. Our clients in average sending:

~7 500 emails per hour.

What is a sender reputation?

Your Sender Score is like a credit score to gauge your credit worthiness but for email: It measures the health of your email program. Sender Score is a number between 0 and 100 identifying the quality of your sender reputation and details how mailbox providers view your IP address.

Why I need multiple IP addresses? 

IP address holds all your email sender reputation. Sometimes, especially during warm-up. You can take damage by your reputation.

What is IP rotation

It is Postal killer feature. We will create IP pool assign to there bunch of static IPs. When you send an email campaign Postal will alternate these IPs. So you can deliver more emails at the same time without needs to set-up more servers!

How can I be sure that my server will not blacklist?

As we said, Postal server can contain multiple IPs. The spam filters can ban your IP but not a server. 

If they ban your IP, you will need to replace it.

If these replacements happen not often - we will do it with the zero-dollar invoice.

How long will it take to warm up IP?

Day | *Daily Volume send from 1 IP.

 1 50

 2 100

 3 500

 4 1,000

 5 5,000

 6 10,000

 7 20,000

 8 40,000

 9 70,000

10 100,000

11 150,000

12 250,000

13 400,000

14 600,000

15 1,000,000

16 2,000,000

17 4,000,000

18 Double sending volume.

Pay attention it is daily volume. Means, you should evenly send all emails per 24h. E.g., 50/24=2 emails per hour from 1 IP on the first day. The limits you can set in Postal admin panel. 

Depending on the quality of your list, you can increase or decrease the Daily Volume. 

But the main idea should be clear the first days of warming-up are the most important ones. That is why use automation warm-up tools are usually is a good idea in the early 2-3 days.

How should I warm-up IPs?

In the first 2-3days of the warm-up period, you should send the emails to friendly emails, which probably will mark it as not spam, reply to you something, and do other useful things—some of our clients using automatic warm-up tools.

Can I send b2b cold emails?

Yes. You can b2b cold emails works just well. It is not a spam. But you need to implement some of the best-practice to do it successfully. (If briefly send emails to stakeholders, verify your list, do not sell at the first touch).

Can I send b2c cold emails?

You can send any emails from Postal. But b2c cold emails usually mean spam. Your IPs may be fast to be blocked and need to be replaced. The warm-up period of IPs will be like in x3 longer. You need works on your content and list quality - very well to be a success.

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