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Delivery time

The delivery timing depends on your location. Same day delivery to Dubai. Delivery in the vicinity of the UAE every other day


Hello! Prices start from 169 AED but we also have the discounts and wholesales.

All the actual prices you can see in our Chat Bot. Please place the order there

Do you sell Iqos?

We are accepting pre-orders for IQOS devices now and expecting for deliver in 2-3 weeks

What will be your choice - to receive your HEETS now or to wait for device to get the full order ?

The actual price for device is 450 AED

Delivery Area

We deliver across Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaima.

Free delivery

Please, pay attention that our free delivery starts from minimum 3 boxes otherwise 30 AED delivery charges.

That is why we recommend you to choose more boxes of your favourite flavour, or we can help you to choose another one

Payment method

You can pay via Cash to our delivery driver, or Paysend.

We have no card payment. The only thing we can do is to offer you to pay for the order by transferring to a card of the European Bank through the Paysend application or use the website https://paysend.com/ (registration is very simple there). In this case, the commission will be 3,5% of the order amount + 9 dirhams.

Where are the HEETS made?

Our HEETS made in Kazakhstan, Russia. 100% original products

There is no difference between HEETS from different countries. Most HEETS are original. Unscrupulous sellers praise goods from their region in order to better establish sales. They are all the same, if original. We have original HEETS.

There you can find all the info, and if you will have questions - please contact us here: http://t.me/IQOS_HEETS_Club_bot

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